I hate to brag (not really), but I have the coolest family EVER!! My cousin Jeff...aka
Smooth J, and Grammar G make up the legendary
Big Beat Battalion, and they opened for Shiny Toy Guns at the Rio last Thursday night. I rounded up Janette and Taylor, and we headed down to watch the duo (with DJ Cherrybomb) serve up a whopping dose of
lyrical genius. I have never doubted Jeff's abilities as a dope emcee, but holy tacos!! I was absolutely blown away! I was dancing like an obsessed groupie (not a big surprise) and would have totally got on stage if it wasn't for the 4 feet deep shrubs all the way around it. They were
wildly entertaining, and I can officially say "I'm with the band!" ok not really, but they were great, and I heard lots of people talking about how well the performance was. I was sooo proud! Big props and much respect for the BBB. Check out their myspace, or their website at
www.bigbeatbattalion.com. Word.