Monday, April 7, 2008

memory stick madness

I'm having a bit of an issue with my memory stick on my camera....sometimes it works....sometimes it doesn' has a mind of it's own. Sometimes I will take pictures and it "looks" like it worked, but when I go back to review them....all I get is a blue screen. ANNOYING! So for all you people that are obsessed with Aiden and I, as well as our blog (just kidding) this is why there are no pics posted since Easter. I know that when I go and read someones blog, my favorite part is seeing the pictures. Seeing how everyone's family is growing, changing, what adventures they have been on is my absolute favorite. I HAVE to get a new stick this week, it's a must. Who knows who really cares about what pics I post and when, but I do. :) But, whenever I am at the store, I am so focused on getting out of there before Aiden gets rowdy that I forget! I'm usually yaking on the phone too so that doesn't help my concentration...surprise surprise! I have a few other errands to secret birthday handbag hunt...etc. Those are all FUN things on my to-do list, but still things nonetheless. Looks like I should leave Aiden with Magga and get to it!


Mindy Blake said...

no seriously memory sticks can TOTALLY suck! anywyas, i called ya yesterday but you didn't answer. give me a call when you have time chicky. talk to you later!

nana T said...

Need pics PLEASE!
miss you guys here in NC..
Sounds like you have an awesome support system but wanted to say Aiden appears to thriving with all that girlie loving (LOL).
Continueing to pray for you both
Nanna T

Mindy Blake said... totally need to post! lol muah

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