Monday, February 25, 2008

Monday = Park day!

Aiden is in "school" Tuesday through Thursday. So Mondays and Fridays I try to work from home and get a feel for my week. I have TONS of errands this week outside of work, so I thought today would be a good day for a Costco run and the park. Of course we couldn't leave Costco without a Churro (have you had those......Yikes! They are fantastic) so we loaded up the car and headed to the Vistas park in Summerlin. I LOVE this park! It's so clean up there, and all the stay at home mommies and nannies chill with their little buggars. Aiden was soooooo happy to be outside! The weather is absolutely perfect today, and we did the swings and the playground for about 45 minutes. He did all 4 slides by himself and kept saying, "Again, again!" I just love this kid. It's amazing to watch him grow up much too quickly, and become more and more aware of the world around him. He's so curious and inquisitive. He loves pointing his chubby finger and yelling, "Wook Wook mommy!" Sometimes I just can't wipe the smile off my face when I think of him. He's definitely become my whole life, and I wouldn't change that for anything! Here's some pics for your viewing pleasure! Enjoy!

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